The Art and Life of George Fenech 1926 - 2011

Authors: Lino Borg, Joseph Paul Cassar
ISBN: 9789995702793

This book is the first comprehensive study on the art and life of Maltese artist George Fenech. It traces and analyses his art from its humble beginnings painting at his parents’ home in Mellieħa, then starting to attend the Malta Government School of Art in Valletta, moving to the Accademia di Belle Arti in Rome, and his eventual return to Malta and setting up his own studio.

The roles of George Fenech as a family man, as well as a teacher of art, are studied within the broader perspective of how these had a bearing on his artistic development. The book focuses on all genres that the artist painted: mainly still-lifes, portraits, landscapes, group compositions, folklore, religious as well as printing and stamp design.

George Fenech sought to invest meaning into his paintings through colour and compositional devices. The colour is organised in vibrant masses that he orchestrated to reveal the relation between the human figure and the land, or the sea in producing a cohesive painting. Whether it is the human figure, simple objects or the landscape, George Fenech made it a point to remain true to himself and his experiences as an artist. This publication brings to light several unpublished works grouped together for a deeper understanding and appreciation of George Fenech’s art and life.